1873 -
To tell you a story about us, we have to go back to 1873, when "Father of the Homeland" and a great fighter for its independence from the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, Dr. Ante Starčević came to live in Jastrebarsko and immediately fell in love with the tranquility of people and beautiful nature. about ten kilometers away from Jastrebarsko, Plešivica. There, in the following years, he built his country holiday estate. Later, we discover in the archives of the City of Jastrebarsko that Dr. Starčević was also a great lover of wine. Unfortunately, in 1878, Dr. Starčević moved from Jastrebarsko, and in the years that passed, the estate fell into disrepair.

- 1992
110 years later, more precisely in 1992, fate wanted the young man from Zagreb, Siniša Šoškić, an electrician by profession, to decide to give up his primary profession and make his second love a job. In 1992, he saw in himself an irreversible professional vocation for wine production and accepted the rich viticultural and winemaking tradition of Plešivica, where he bought three hectares of land and an old house at the foot of it. Unbeknownst to him at the time, he was already buying Dr. Starčević's former home, which was already overgrown with forest and stones and was given a chance to shine in a new guise.
1993 -
The peculiarities of the vineyard position of Plešivica are the high altitude at which the air is "healthy" and constantly flowing, in addition, high positions are located on steep slopes that allow ideal contact of vines and grapes with the sun, so natural conditions are created for grape varieties that like colder climates and for his first vineyard, which he planted in 1993, Siniša opted for Rhine Riesling, Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Pinot Gris. As time passes, the plantations expand and to this day cultivate eight hectares of vineyards (40,000 vines). The expansion of areas is also planned.

The total territory can be divided into two microzones Gorička (Sauvignon, Pinot Gris, Chardonnay, Rhine Riesling, Muscat Yellow) and Rebra (Pinot Noir and Rhine Riesling). We maintain our grapes and our wines with great care, love and respect. To achieve complete harmony man and nature, we leave only healthy grapes in the vineyard, we treat it minimally, we use only organic fertilizers and in the end we pick grapes by hand, which will give us top quality wines. During all these processes, the hands of diligent growers touch the vine more than 15 times in one year.


Since 2019, the winery has been producing a special line of wine called "Taste of terroir", for which we select grapes from certain parts of the Rebra and Gorička locations, our best locations. The white wines of the "Taste of terroir" line Rhine Riesling and Pinot Gris after fermentation in stainless steel tanks are poured into large oak barrels and aged there on the lees for six months, in a process called "batonnage", while Sauvignon and Muscat yellow after fermentation finish maturing in stainless steel. . The Pinot Noir of the "old selection" line, after fermentation in stainless steel tanks, is poured into oak barrels of 500 liters, and aged there for 18 months. In the final production cycle, the wines are aged for a certain period of time in bottles in order to reach the ultimate optimal quality.

In 2001, we opened the first Šoškić wine shop in order to have direct communication with the end consumer and so that the end consumer could better recognize the values of our wine. Over the years, the number of wine shops has increased and today we have a total of seven a wine shop of which five located in Zagreb (Dolac, Kvatrić, Jarun, Utrine, Trešnjevka) and one each in Rijeka and Karlovac.


Building a new one winemaking begins 2004, and ends 2010. It's a winery implemented with state-of-the-art equipment, and is divided into two large halls, the first for vinification of fresh wines in stainless steel tanks with a capacity of 100,000 liters, and the second for aging more complex wines in oak barrels with a capacity of 30,000 liters.
More about the technology inside the winery and the production can be found out in the f one wine tasting and a tour which we organize.

In 2005, in order to complete the production, Siniša decided to start production brandy and liqueur. As part of wineries build small a distillery with a traditional copper boiler that uses wood as a means of heating, all in intentions to connect with nature and tradition in the production of distillates. Brandy production is based on coma, which is a by-product of our own wine production. Komovica is distilled twice to complete the fullness and elegance of the taste. Also, Komovica brandy is also a base for liqueurs of Šoškić, Orahovac and Višnjevac wineries and Travarica brandy in which the dominant role in shaping is played by aromatic herbs that we supply from herbs s Velebit. We buy walnuts and cherries from local suppliers, while monitoring the growth and quality of the fruit during the year. After mixing with komovica, the liqueurs are macerated for 5 months before bottling. Of the other brandies, Šoškić Winery also produces Viljamovka and Šljivovica. Viljamovka is distilled from pure Williams pear, which we supply from family farms from Slavonia, and it takes approximately 10 kilograms for only 1 liter of brandy. Plum brandy is produced from the autochthonous Croatian plum variety Bistrica, which is a highly valued plum variety and is very difficult to find nowadays. Plum brandy is aged for 6 months in old oak barrels after distillation.

The crown of the entire distillate production is premium brandy Court. Court is the heart of the finest wine distillates of the old Plešivica varieties of noble vines. With double distillation, only the heart of the distillate "heart of wine" moves to long-term aging in Slavonian oak barrels. Every Court aged for a minimum of 5 years, and with aging it becomes more and more complex. Court is the winner of the 2019 award for the best regional strong alcoholic beverage at the Gast fair.
2022- nevjerojatan uspijeh vinarije šoškic
Najljepše vijesti su došle iz Londona. Ponosni i oduševljeni što je naše prvo oranž vino Haiku2, te također prvo oranž vino ikada u povijesti osvojilo platinastu medalju na najvećem svjetskom ocjenjivanju vina Decanter.
Haiku2, vino berbe probranog grožđa dvije velike sorte od kojih je jedna veliki Rajnski rizling, a druga Manzoni Bianco. Vino nakon ručne berbe i spontane fermentacije, prolazi kroz maceraciju na masulju u trajanju od 200 dana, te nakon toga odležavanje godinu dana u toneau bačvama.
HAIKU 2 je prvo oranž vino koje je ikada u povijesti osvojilo Platinastu medalju na Decanteru. Trenuto je dostupan Haiku 4, nasljednik Haiku 2, broj do imena označava broj sorti vina u Haiku-u, koje Siniša svake godine drugačije prema vlastitom iskustvu izabere.
HAIKU 4, nasljednik platinastog i rasprodanog Haiku2, vino berbe probranog grožđa četiri sorte od kojih je jedna Rajnski rizling, druga Pinot crni, a ostale će ostati naša mala tajna. Haiku4 nakon ručne berbe i spontane fermentacije, prolazi kroz maceraciju na masulju u trajanju od 30 dana, te nakon toga odležavanje godinu dana u toneau bačvama. Vino izlazi nefiltrirano.
Haiku4 ima mekšu teksturu, manje tanina i ostavlja elegantniji dojam od svog prethodnika. Glavna značjaka ovog vina, jest zaigrani kontrast vibrantnog rizlinga s crvenim voćem crnog pinota. Uz to, Haiku4 naglašeno je svjež, pun i visokih i niskih tonova.
Naziv vina Haiku ima više poveznica, Haiku je jednostavna, ali duboka forma poezije koja govori o povezanosti prirode i čovjekovog iskustva a to je upravo to vino, terroir Plešivice i iskustvo 35 godina rada u podrumu i vinogradu. Također loza gdje dozrijeva grožđe za Haiku okružena je mnoštvom japanskih trešanja koje svojim ružičastim cvjetovima daju lozi prekrasno i neponovljivo okruženje potićući je da i ona daje najbolje od sebe. Isto tako u tom vinu se može vidjeti duh japanske preciznosti i mirnoće.

Today, the Šoškić family winery consists of father Siniša and mother Dijana, two sons Leonardo and Vjekoslav, daughter Lana and all winegrowers. Their common philosophy is contained in the effort and perseverance, working on the common goal of positioning the brand Dvorska vina Šoškić as a concept of quality, and in an effort to push the boundaries and create new views in the wine world. Therefore, enjoy the wines and distillates of the Šoškić Winery.